Written in 2005... :)
Instinctively, a human being has been always easily tempted with sexual appearances and drawn smoothly with cultural restrictions and paradigms. However, few are those who stand still. Media, at all times, has been the driving agent to change people’s way of thinking and perspectives. It is the unconscious influencer of anytime. Apparently, media plays a crucial part in shaping the ideal body image of the time for men and women. With thin models and trendy celebrities are all what is shown on TV, movies and advertisements; people tend to get unsatisfied with their current body shape, which is leading some people to get seriously ill and depressed.
Media Strikes In
Sadly, some of today’s youth role models are the fake artificial attractive celebrities starting from Hayfa Wahbi and Nancy Ajram to Jad Choueri! With the increasing trend of singers with low quality voices and HIGH QUALITY looks, youth interests are increasingly becoming sex-oriented. The media sets unrealistic standards for what body weight and appearance is considered “normal.” Girls are being surrounded with the thought at a very young age that Barbie is how a woman should look; no fat at all but huge breasts! A study revealed that if a Barbie were life-size, she would stand 5’9” and weigh 110 lb. (only 76% of what is considered a healthy weight for her height). Her measurements would be 39-18-33, and she would not menstruate due to inadequate levels of fat on her body. Similarly, boys are given the impression that men naturally have muscles bulging all over their bodies. After all, there aren’t such realistic measurements for a normal human being. Body features in media are adjusted with lighting angles, computer techniques and props. Moreover, shapes are edited, yet, some images are completely computer generated! “In a study on 5th graders, 10 year old boys and girls told researchers they were dissatisfied about their own bodies after watching a music video by Britney Spears or a clip from the TV show ‘Friends’”.
Why are standards of Beauty imposed on Women?
If we focus a bit on the advertisements scattered all over the streets, magazines, banners, TV and the internet, we would observe almost all of them involve women’s body in a way for a more effective promotion. For instance, in the case of a cosmetics manufacturer, it is very influencing to present an ideal fit that is difficult to achieve and maintain which in return will ensure profits and growth. And it’s no accident that youth is increasingly promoted, along with thinness, as an essential criterion of beauty. Women who are afraid of aging and are insecure about their looks and bodies tend more to purchase beauty products and diet aids as well as new clothes. According to analysts, the abuse of women’s bodies and beauty in promotion are all based upon economical benefits.
Ideal Body Images in Media Affect Men Too!
Women are not the only party experiencing hard time with media influences! Men as well are passing through low self-worth due to the muscular attractive men shown in after-shave ads. A study conducted on 158 male college students who were asked to watch TV ads with very muscle-defined men. Results showed that men who viewed these commercials felt more unsatisfied and depressed compared to the students who watched the “moderate” ads. It was concluded that the “Ideal male body” picture in the media is connected to the negative feelings held by men toward their body image. Such feelings lead to depression and eating disorders. A research showed that poor body image among men has been on the rise.
Disordered Behaviors
Media has different influences and affections on people. However, most of all, it has a large effect on youth, especially during their maturity and teenage stage. They seek unhealthy and illegal ways to get the ideal fit of the time! For instance, too many young girls and women, who look up for today’s ultra-thin looks; starve themselves, over exercise, and even worse, use steroids! In addition, the latest civilized plastic surgeries ranging from nose jobs, botox to implants and a lot more, happen to have their own health risks. Other young women follow extreme eating disorders, such as anorexia, bulimia or compulsive overeating. All of these extreme efforts, including self induced vomiting, to gain the ideal looks and body shapes carry severe health problems in the long term.
Beauty and Attractiveness
It is becoming more of a fact that being “thin or muscular” is accompanied with being hard-working, successful, popular, beautiful, strong, and self-disciplined, while on the other hand, being “fat” is accompanied with being ignorant, hated, ugly, weak, and lacking will-power. Unfortunately, some people generalize and judge people based on their appearances, which must not be the case anywhere. Body size and shape certainly aid in physical attractiveness, however, they are not the only factors. Personality, charisma, social settings, way of talking, welcoming posture and a friendly smile are who attract people to each other at the first place. Weight is not the problem in here nor is dieting the answer! Happiness comes from within, and in order to get a satisfied life with a high spirit a person should stop comparing oneself to others. A person should nurture his soul with healthy relationships, communication and meditation. Consequently, once the inner happiness and satisfaction are found, it will result in better self-care of the external body leading to healthier eating and physical activity trends.
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